EVO Visian ICL
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. David Evans

The EVO Visian ICL represents a recent advance in refractive surgery. This new lens is used to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism and is a great reversible alternative to other vision correction procedures. The ICL was approved by the FDA for use in the United States in March 2022.
What is an ICL?
Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICLs), also known as implantable contact lenses, are refractive lens implants that are placed behind the iris and in front of the natural lenses of the eyes to correct nearsightedness (myopia) or astigmatism.

EVO ICL. EVO has a hole in the center of the lens to allow better flow of eye fluid around the lens and iris.
ICLs, including the EVO Visian ICL, are an alternative to LASIK. As most consumers are now aware, LASIK and its sister procedures, PRK and SMILE, are very safe and have been used for 40 years to provide freedom from glasses and contact lenses by changing the shape of the cornea. (The cornea is the clear outer covering of the eye that is responsible for a major part of the eye’s focusing power.) But LASIK is not suitable for every patient.
ICL Versus Other Procedures
ICLs have several advantages over LASIK-type procedures for certain patients. First, in order to sculpt the cornea, LASIK-type procedures require removal of part of the corneal tissue. This procedure works well for most patients but can be problematic if the patient has a very high level of refraction (more than -14.0 diopters) or very thin corneal tissue. In these cases, there may not be enough corneal tissue available for removal.
In contrast, ICLs can correct up to -20.0 diopters in these patients, because the procedure requires no removal of corneal tissue. The ICL is also completely biocompatible and is designed to absorb harmful UV rays. A potential downside of ICLs is that the procedure is more invasive because the surgeon has to make an incision to enter the interior of the eye in order to insert the lens, opening up more chance for infection.
The original ICL was first implanted in the 1990s and was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005. The lens has a very strong safety record and has been used to successfully correct vision in thousands of patients. Prior to the advent of the EVO ICL, a pre-procedure was needed called a peripheral iridotomy. This procedure used a laser to penetrate the iris so that after the ICL was implanted, fluid in the eye could flow more naturally around the ICL and through the eye.
Welcome the Newest ICL – EVO ICL
The new EVO ICL is a technological breakthrough that expands upon the success of the ICL and increases its benefits. The EVO ICL is a much smaller lens that requires only a tiny incision in the eye for lens placement. The updated lens design requires no peripheral iridotomy, so the procedure is quicker and recovery time shorter. Also, unlike previous versions, the new ICL can correct for astigmatism. Finally, due to the very small size of the lens and the modest procedure required to insert it, the lens can be easily removed by the surgeon if desired by the patient. Other refractive surgery procedures are not reversible.
Ask Your Vision Correction Surgeon
When you visit your eye surgeon, make you ask about the EVO ICL to determine if this lens and procedure are a better option for your vision correction needs. Your surgeon can determine your refraction and choose the right lens and procedure to give you freedom from glasses.